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Small World FS Stopped Providing Services

We want to tell you about some important changes at Small World.

What’s changing?

Small World has stopped accepting any new customers or agents, accepting funds or making payments for existing customers through all channels, including any of its agents, branches, web sites or mobile applications.

What about my current payment?

Where we have already sent the funds to a bank or other third party that we use to deliver the funds to the person you are trying to pay, it is possible that the bank or third party has paid the funds to your recipient or will do so in the usual timeframes, however we expect that not all payments our customers ask us to send will reach the person they’re trying to pay.

What if my payment does not reach the person I am trying to pay?

For payments which do not reach your recipient, Small World will include these in a process which aims to return funds to senders where possible.

What should you do next?

First, check your transaction status at:

We will be contacting customers to collect the information which we would need to make payments to you. You can also contact us using the information below. You can send us your payment details using the form available online by accessing:

Your local Small World agent may also have printed copies of this form available.


You can find all our contact information at:

For any assistance, we would encourage you to contact us by email at [email protected]. You can also call us on 020 3198 0387, however we would advise using email where possible.

Fraud reminder

Please think about fraud risks when discussing your payments and sharing your information with anyone. Please read our Fraud Awareness blog to understand the most common fraud tactics and how you can avoid falling victim to fraud.

We appreciate your patience and understanding at this time.

Small World Financial Services.

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